Fighting Sports & News
Asa weight training in the off-season. Here squatting light weight for reps. Lift Hard = Throw Hard.
Asa taking a pitch at the 2017 Perfect Game Super 25. When hunting fastballs, you need to know your strike zone and when to swing. This was NOT the time to swing.
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The Power Showcase East vs. West game. Asa's East Team dominated the game.

The beginning of every day is not always perfect here at the Perfect Game LakePoint Complex in Emerson, GA.
Asa competing in the 10th Annual International Power Showcase at Marlins Stadium, Miami, Florida.

Asa being presented with his Power Showcase shirt by Brian Dominico and Linda Ruth Tosetti- proudly representing the state of New Hampshire.

Asa after the East Cobb Astros won the Perfect Game BCS National Championship at the Red Sox Jet Blue Park in Fort Myers, Florida. Great day for a Boston kid to be here.

The Stros boy are interviewing possible candidates for team mascott here in Kennesaw, GA. This candidate just seemed deflated by the whole experience.

Asa on deck for the Stros in the Final Game of the PG BCS National Championship at Jet Blue Stadium in Fort Myers, Florida.
Asa drinking a whole pitcher of Coke after a day playing in 107 degree for the EvoShield Canes in Omaha, NE.

One of Asa's custom made gloves looking out over the bay in Miami, Florida. He says that, "It's better looking than any girl in my school."
Dalton, Asa, Logan, Hogan, and Jasper at the College World Series after playing for the EvoShield Canes in Omaha, NE.
Asa batting and fielding with the 16U NE Hurricanes Showcase Team at Play Ball in Salem, New Hampshire.
Asa making a diving back-handed catch in right field during the Triple Crown Club Nationals at the East Cobb Baseball Complex in Marietta, GA.
Asa off-season pitching with the 16U NE Hurricanes Showcase Team at Play Ball in Salem, New Hampshire.

Astros and Banditos make great friends. All hanging together at the PG Lake Point Complex in Marietta, GA.
Asa making something happen by taking a high 3-1 pitch deep and off the East Cobb 350 foot wall at the Triple Crown Sports Club Nationals at the East Cobb Baseball Complex in Marietta, GA.
Asa's official video from the 2016 International Power Showcase from Marlins Stadium in Miami, Florida. Here, Asa came in 3rd in the world for the 13U age division.

Asa holding the National Championship trophy after winning the 2016 Perfect Game BCS Championship at Jet Blue Stadium in Fort Myers, Florida.
Asa hitting a bomb at the 2016 Perfect Game World Series to bring in the runs needed for the East Cobb Astros to take the lead.